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Showing posts from 2014

What are Snapguides?

Do you love to make things? Well if your reading this blog I assume that you love to make things, that's the whole point of this little chunk of interwebs. Colorful paper for crafting! Photographic tutorials are one of my favorite things about the internet (well that and cat pictures).  If you want to do something, from wash your dishes to building a shed powered with solar panels in your back yard, there is a tutorial on the internet that will take you through step by step in how to complete your project. Looking around for some new projects to try out, I came across this awesome website called Snapguide.  They are not endorsing this post and anyway and really have no idea I am writing such kind words about them, but I just had to share this ridiculously huge wealth of "How-To" knowledge with all of my readers out there.

Decorate Your Home With 15+ Free Christmas Crochet Patterns

Free Christmas Crochet Patterns It's just too much fun to find all of these amazing free crochet patterns.  My last round up was a collection of free crochet tree patterns but this collection is going to be a little bit of everything to bring your home some holiday cheer this season.  All of these patterns are free at the time of posting but some of them are specials for the 2014 holiday season and some of these patterns may not be available for free in the future so make sure you download them all now! Special Note -- I do not own any of the pictures on this post.  Please do not use these images with out first contacting the original owner,  Thanks and enjoy all of these wonderful patterns.  The image credit links point to the designers Ravelry page or somewhere similar where you can see more of their amazing make sure you check those out too!

Loom Knitting Patterns and Tutorials

Knitting Loom Patterns and Tutorials  I just recently picked up some of the these interesting knitting looms to help make my holiday gift making go a little quicker.  I have always wanted to learn to knit and I did purchase a set of knitting needles but what I was able to produce with those needles was an absolute disaster.  A total mess.  A monumental cataclysm.  An unmentionable horror/abomination.

Stained Glass Granny Square Afghan Part Two

One of the squares for my stained glass granny square afghan.  The last time I wrote about my stained glass granny square afghan I was just starting the project.  I was working to create on giant granny square so that it would become a large blanket.  I changed the plan a little but I will talk about that more soon.  I also mentioned that I have a hard time keeping focus on such a large projects and I am happy to report that the afghan is still coming along at a great pace.

Black Friday Yarn Haul

Black Friday Yarn Haul Thanksgiving was great and I had a wonderful day with my family.  We filled ourselves to the brim with turkey and trimmings and later that evening, my husband and I went off to visit a good friend. The snow was flying and it really feels like Christmas is right around the corner. I didn't go out and do a lot of shopping on Black Friday, I really tried to avoid shopping that day at all costs.  Most of my day was spent quietly with my gram while my husband had some things he had to do throughout the day but later that evening when he made it back home we went out and did some shopping of our own.

Fancy Polymer Clay Crochet Hooks

This is my collection of polymer clay crochet hook handles.  All of these were made using variations in color with the techniques outlined in the post. I decided to take my polymer clay crochet hooks to another level .  My other ones were cool but they were kind of boring.   I saw some decorated crochet hooks in a magazine and thought to myself, "I could do that."  I had never made a polymer clay cane before but YouTube really helped me out with all that. I used three colors instead of two.  I explain my process below but if you watch this video, my process will make much more sense.

What's on Your Hook?

My Current Work in Progress.  Read more to find out what it is... So what are you working on this evening?

Decorate Your Home With Free Crochet Christmas Tree Patterns

Free Crochet Christmas Tree Pattern Round-Up Christmas is coming, it's time to start pulling out decorations and getting our homes ready for the up and coming holiday season.  In honor of Friday, which is when I will be pulling out my Christmas tree, I have worked to compile this list of free crochet Christmas tree patterns.  These crochet patterns are sure to help you get your home holiday ready.  I did not write these patterns, I just find them on the internet and present them here for you in one nice and neat place.

The Tea Time Doily -- Crochet Pattern Review

Doilies are so pretty and they add a so much character to a boring table.  I absolutely love them and so I decided to give crocheting one a try.  I found this really cute pattern on Ravelry and it's called the Tea Time Doily.

Crochet A Sweater for Your Pencil

Crochet A Sweater For Your Pencil The other day I was browsing Pinterest and I noticed a that someone had knitted sweaters for their pencils.

Stained Glass Granny Square Afghan

Today I decided to start a new project.  I hate making afghans, they seem to take forever.  I have a hard time keeping my attention focused on one project for such a long time.

5 Women's Scarves To Help Keep You Warm This Winter

Winter is coming, it is fall now but the snow will be flying soon.  Christmas is on it's way too so it's time to get started on all of those Christmas crochet projects many of us have been putting off, procrastinating, then working in a frenzy to finish gifts before we give them to their respectful recipient. A friend asked me if I knew of any good free scarf patterns, I decided to create a post with some of the cutest free crochet scarf patterns for women that I have been able to find on the internet. Crochet scarfs make an excellent gift and in the grand scheme of crochet, they really don't take a lot of time to complete. Where as a crochet artist could spend months putting an afghan together as a gift for someone speacial, a crochet scarf typically takes only an afternoon or two to complete. All of these crochet patterns are completely available for free at the time of creating this post.

Falling Leaves

Crochet Maple Leaf Fall is on the way and the leaves are changing at an alarming pace.  Everyday on my drive to work I notice fewer and fewer green leaves, slowly being replaced with all of the bright colors of fall. Oranges, reds, and yellows dot what used to be a green horizon.

Crochet A Butterfly

Crochet butterfly on a oak tree I remember a time when most women knew how to crochet. All of their crochet projects, made over the span of years, were displayed through out their home. I never really noticed all this homemade stuff growing up.  It was just part of the background noise. Now I am grown-up (total bummer) and I don't see a lot of homemade trinkets around other people's homes.  Many people just don't pick up the hobby as much as they used to.  Crochet is very time consuming and that's why I love cute little projects like this crochet butterfly.

Crochet a Halloween Pumpkin

Stuffing my crocheted pumpkin It's almost Halloween, time to pull out the decorations... Halloween is quickly approaching. Soon the leaves in the trees will have turned the color of fire (if you live in that part of the country) and a chill will be in the air. Time to pull out the orange yarn and make some holiday decorations. This post contains affiliate links.

5 Interesting Non Traditional Crochet Square Patterns

I absolutely love to crochet squares.  The very first crochet pattern I ever learned by heart was the granny square.  Even now, years and years later, when I am bored and I just want to crochet for the pure joy of crochet, the granny square is my go to pattern.  I know many other crocheters out there feel the same way and that's why crocheting squares is so popular.  There are so many square patterns out there, a crocheter could never complete them all in a life time.  I decided to search up a few really awesome squares and I felt were unique but still reminded me of that classic pattern I love so much.  These are the patterns that I found.  The stained glass afghan pattern costs a $1.99 but the rest of the patterns listed here are completely free and they are featured on the blogs of other designers.  All of these designs are now additions to my crochet bucket list.

Ribbed Crochet Bag WIP

Ribbed Crochet Bag that holds all my sharpie markers. Hello everyone, after an extremely busy summer I have finally sat down to finish off some crochet projects that have been sitting in the to finish bag.

Super Fast and Easy and Crochet Scarf Pattern

The stitch texture of this scarf. I have been doing some experimenting lately with my crochet.  I use the smallest hooks to the largest hooks I can get my hands on.  Each hook shapes your crochet stitches a little bit different than the last. In my stumbling, I have come across this texture and it makes the most amazing fabric.  If you are looking for a last minute gift that only takes an afternoon to complete, you have come to the right place. This crochet scarf pattern takes only a few hours to whip up and leaves you with a very intricate looking weave.  It consists of all single crochet, no other stitch is necessary so this a great place to start for beginners.

18 Free Crochet Bag Patterns To Try Today

I have finally done it.  I have finally created the post that I have always wanted to make about crochet bags. It took lots of research and lots of searching but I have a collection of 18 crochet bags that are ready for you to make today. All of these patterns are completely and 100% free.   None of the patterns require you to subscribe to a website or a newsletter to view them.   They are either provided on the designer's own website or as a download from Ravelry. For limitations on selling items used from these patterns, please check the patterns themselves.   I try to only share items that can be sold at craft fairs and such but I might have missed someone's disclaimers in creating this massive list of free crochet patterns. Check out all of these great patterns and if you like what you see, make sure to tell the designer.  We love hearing from the artists that use our patterns.  

Simple Crochet Hook Handles

All of the polymer clay covered crochet hooks I created that afternoon. In this post I will demonstrate how to make a handle for any aluminum or steel crochet hook out of polymer clay. Sometimes crocheting with a standard hook can make your hands sore. Most hook holders I have seen really don't do much because they are really small or way too big and awkward.  I have thought about buying new hooks with larger grips but I really don't have the money to replace my whole collection of aluminum hooks.

Crochet A Bath Sponge--Free Pattern

Crochet an easy bathroom accessory! I have been looking for ways to replace some of my plastic items around the house that need to be purchased on a regular basis. When I saw this bath sponge over at, I knew I had to try my hand a crocheting this awesome pattern. It came out perfect and I couldn't be happier with the results.  I can't wait to try this out in my shower later this evening. I will make sure to give everyone an update on how much I enjoyed this amazing pattern. After my shower... I have used this bath sponge multiple times now and it exfoliates my skin like nothing else out there. I absolutely adore it and I don't know what I would do without it. I used a variation of Sugar and Cream cotton yarn to complete my scrubby but I am not completely sure what the color variation I used was.  My only complaint is the amount of time it takes this sponge to dry. I think I need to make a bunch more so I don't have to wait for this one ...

Crochet Messenger Bag

I decided to create my own crochet messenger bag and I have come up with the first draft of this project.  I used a bulky yarn that I had lying around.  It is part wool and part acrylic.  The biggest drawback is that there is a lot of stretch.  Particularly in the handle.  I think I can combat this with a cotton yarn a few changes to my techniques.  All in all I am really excited for how this one turn out.

Pink and Purple Crochet Wallet

I was bored with all my wallets so I decided to make one.  This is what I came up with.  I learned some valuable skills in creating this wallet and I am very happy with my finished results.  I am sharing the pattern for this cute little wallet.   I am not a professional pattern writer so if you find errors or don't understand what I mean, please let me know and I will try and help.

Crocheting "Forget The Scarf"

Finished "Forget the Scarf" Well, it is finally finished.  After a little bit of time and dedication, I was able to finish this awesome crochet scarf.  In plenty of time too because it is a Christmas gift for my grandmother.  I know she is going to absolutely love it.

Learning To Sew A Zippered Pouch

I learned how to sew by hand when I was old enough to not poke myself with the hook.  I do not remember exactly when this was as it has been so long ago but I had to have been somewhere between 7 and 9.  Anyways I started experimenting with my mother sewing machine around age 14 after learning to sew in my home economics class.  I don't remember exactly what kind of machine it was, she received it as a hand me down.  I think there was something wrong with it as neither she nor I could ever adjust the tension settings properly.  I received a machine for Christmas and after a made a pin cushion, I packed up the machine and didn't pull it out again.....for years....until just the other day.

Miniature Face Scrubbies

These hardly use up any yarn so they are a great project to use up your scraps. These little face scrubbers will get all that dry skin off your face without harsh chemicals.  Use them one and then run them through the washing machine so you have a fresh scrubby each and every time. Make sure you use a cotton yarn so they absorb the water and clean easily. Miniature Face Scrubbies to  Crochet

Spring Has Sprung Clutch

Crocheted Spring Has Sprung Clutch I just received a bunch of free yarn so I decided to fiddle around a little bit. I found this mint green wool and it just screamed spring. These pictures really don't do it justice as the color is really pastel.  After a few hours, I was able to come up with this really cool clutch pattern. I haven't tested this pattern yet so please be patient with me. I am just a beginner designer. If you have any questions I will answer them to the best of my abilities. To print out this pattern, scroll to the bottom of this page and select the "print friendly" icon.

How to Make T-Shirt Yarn

How To Make T-Shirt Yarn Have you even seen those really cool chunky crochet projects made with t-shirt yarn and wondered, "How do they do that?" Wonder no more as I am going to demystify the process for you. Once you get started you will dig through all the closets in your house looking for t-shirts to turn into chunky cotton yarn. For a printer-friendly version of this tutorial scroll all the way down to the bottom of the post. Materials Old T-Shirt (no seams along the sides)  Tools  Cutting Wheel  Cutting Mat  Scissors  Ruler  Masking Tape (optional)  Step One First start by cutting the top part off of the shirt. We don't need the sleeves or any of that stuff. We just need a cylindrical tube of fabric with no seams. I do this by placing a piece of masking tape from armpit to armpit of the shirt and I cut along the line. Also, cut the bottom seam off of the shirt. Cutting your shirt into a tube Step Two Next pl...

Crochet Free E- Book Eight Different Crochet Stitches

This ebook is available for free from for Amazon prime subscribers.  It has text and videos to help to teach you a few new stitches.  There were a couple technique brought up in this guide that I had never heard of or seen before.  The first of these is the vertical crocodile stitch.  That is the stitch that is featured on the cover.  I had seen the horizontal version before but this one is new. Another really cool stitch that I had never heard of before this free book is called the Single Color Crochet Brioche stitch. This crochet stitch uses front post double crochet and back post double crochet to create the illusion of single crochet that is very textured.  The authors claim that both sides of the swatch are desirable.  It is a solid stitch and would be great for a bag or a reversible afghan. This book also explains many other stitches.  It is definitely worth checking out, particularly if you already have an Amazon Prime me...

Granny Square
Free Crochet Pattern

A Quick Introduction Granny Squares are my favorite crochet pattern of all time.  This classic has been around for generations.  Even hundreds of years. No one knows exactly when this pattern first was featured but  SAYRAPHIM  has done some research into the subject.  She claims to have found documents from a textile company dated back to the 1800's that describes how to make these lacy blocks though they do not refer to them as granny squares in the publication. Popular in the 70's, these squares are making their revival and today I am going to teach you how to make them. Almost everyone that knows how to crochet has probably made one of these squares at some point and now you can too. Have you ever noticed that almost every one of the sitcoms on prime time television feature an afghan made from some type of crochet.  I see it more often now than every before.  Many of the shows that feature a family has an afghan made wit...

How Are Affiliate Links Used At "That Crafty Girl From Ohio"

What Is An Affiliate Link? Concerning an affiliate link, it is a special address that contains the ID or username of the affiliate (me). This address is employed by the publisher to trace all traffic the affiliate sends to the advertiser's website as a part of the affiliate program. Who Advertises Here? Google Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's prior visits to That Crafty Girl From Ohio.  Google's use of the DoubleClick cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to users of this website based on their visit to this site and/or other sites on the Internet.  Users may opt out of the use of the DoubleClick cookie for interest-based advertising by visiting Ads Settings or Infolinks Infolinks is an online advertising platform offering ad solutions. Infolinks helps online bloggers and website publishers earn real revenue from their sites so that they can continue creating great new content. Info...