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Showing posts from February, 2015

About Crochet Hooks

Have you every wondered why there are so many different types of crochet hook.  They come in a variety of styles and sizes, each of which have their specific purposes.  While some people have their preference of material when it comes to crochet hooks, I come from the school of though where every material has it's place. In this post I am going to answer some of the most common questions I see around the internet about crochet hooks. I have a little bit of everything when it comes to crochet hooks and if you crochet with different types of fibers, it is a good I idea for you to also have different types of crochet hooks as well.  Today I am going to cover everything you have always wanted to know about crochet hooks. This post contains affiliate links/ Some of this is standard information and some of this comes from my personal experiences using different materials and shapes in my own crochet art. First I will talk about materials then I will move into the ...

Becoming a Craftsy Affiliate

I have some awesome news to share for all of my followers.  I have recently applied and been approved as an Craftsy Affiliate.  Becoming an affiliate in this program was one of my goals for this blog in 2015 and I am very happy to announce my new partnership with the awesome and amazing company. This post contains affiliate links My three favorite things about Craftsy are....

Free Crochet Pattern Roundup -- Geeky Things

I was stumbling around Raverly one day (check out my profile) and I did a search for some of my favorite icons from video games and movies. While there were tons of free patterns featured, these were my favorite. I threw the dragon patch in because it is a creative silhouette and I think it would be the purple embellishment on an almost finished project. All of these crochet patterns are complete free at the time of creating this post. Crochet these free patterns for the geek in your life!

Free Crochet E-Books

I have noticed a bunch of free ebooks at Amazon for Prime subscribers and I thought I would take a couple of minutes to share a few of them here today. Don't have a Kindle?  No worries, all of these books are available to read on multiple devices. Don't have Amazon Prime?  I highly recommend it.  I use the services daily.  It includes access to movies and television shows along with music and of eBooks. This post contains affiliate links There is a yearly fee associated with Amazon Prime service but after you pay that you have so much access to free media.  This includes free movies, television shows, original series, commercial free streaming music, and of coarse books like the ones I have listed in this post.

Cluster Stitch Mesh Infinity Scarf

Today I am sharing my latest design. The pattern featured in this post is for the Cluster Stitch Mesh Infinity Scarf, but you probably already knew that because of the post title. I was bored one evening just watching movies and crocheting in bed when I came up with this lacy and modern design. This crochet scarf take very little time to finish and the pattern is really easy.  Once you finish a couple of the rows, the pattern will be set in your memory which makes it a great project for those occasions where you may not be able to dedicate your full attention to your work. This post contains affiliate links. This scarf is really easy to crochet.  Once you memorize the pattern this project works up in no time.  It would make a great last minute gift. I have been stash busting and this red acrylic yarn was just calling to me.  With all of this white and gray (I live in Ohio, winter here is rough sometimes) I just needed a bit of color in my life. Le...

Free Valentine's Day Crochet Patterns 2015

Valentine's Day is on its way which means it is time to crochet gifts for out loved ones.  In this crochet pattern collection, I will be featuring some things you can make to give to loved ones.