It's a project that can look rather intimidating. In reality, it is pretty easy and you can put this interesting little spider together in about an hour.
Recently I have been participating in Facebook auctions. If you are unsure of what those are, it is a group of people that all live in the same area and agree to meet weekly to exchange items we purchased through virtual auctions.
You guessed it, I bought a ton of bead. We are talking like 4 boxes full of them. I have small little accent beads for years. I do not know if I will ever use them all. I did decide one day that I wanted to make one of these adorable spiders. I know, those two words do not tupically go together but I love animals. All animals. It does not matter how creepy or crawly, they all have their place...sometimes that place is as far away from me as possible, but I still appreaciate their beauty.
Well anyways.....back to my main point. This spider is going to go in my car and hang on a short string from my mirror. A little statememnt piece so that I may enjoy my daily drive.
I want to make so many more of these, I spent about an hour playing with this little fella.
Now to critique. Some of the wire wrapping is a little sloppy. As this is my first effort I think I am okay with that. I know to pay a little more attention when I attempt this pattern again. I also used a smaller gauge than recommended in the video. I can notice how fragile my spider feels, that is why I am choosing the hang him rather than allowing him to hang out on my shelf.
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