Hello and Greetings Everyone I know I haven't been around a lot to post lately but with the holidays, well everyone knows how that goes... But I am back and I have a new crochet pattern to share, it's called the Pink Pineapple Doily. The original pattern appeared in 1951 in the publication Star Book No. 87, Doilies, Doilies, Doilies. For a printer friendly and editable version of this post, scroll down to the bottom and click the button that says "Print Friendly." I am absolutely in love with this doily. It looks like a very complex pattern but if your are just starting to make doilies and other crochet goods this is a great pattern to learn how to read other, more complex patterns. Decorating your home with crochet doilies can add a touch of vintage and handmade charm to any space. Start by considering the size and color of the doilies you would like to use. Crochet doilies come in a variety of sizes and colors, so you can choose to match your existing...
Hi Cassandra! It's Mary. I was trying to contact you and for the life of me I can't find your email here on the site or in my contacts. We did a collab together about 2 years ago. It's the kawaii wine glasses. You actually still have it on your front page! Thank you so much for that! I wanted to contact you about needing to update link info in regards to that post so it's stays relevant. I rebranded and wanted to give you the updated permalink and channel name for that post so it doesn't affect your blog negatively with outdated info... Can you contact me at author.marybrose(at)gmail.com. Glad to see you are still blogging! I subscribed to your blog as well!